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Vo-Ag Course Descriptions




Advanced Ag 1, 2, 3

Prerequisite: signature of agriculture teacher, B or better in Previous Ag Class

Open to grades 10, 11, 12


Courses will be taught on a 3 year rotation. Class number does not indicate level of difficulty, but which year is on rotation.

Includes advanced concepts in Agriculture such as animal science and livestock production, job skills, industry certification, and  instruction and competition in CDEs and LDEs. A focus will be made on leadership in this class and students will plan yearly events such as Ag Olympics and Banquet. Students receive practical business management experience through an individualized career experience (SAE) program. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.  (May be repeated for additional elective credits.)


Year 1- 2017-2018

Job Interview and Employability, Animal Anatomy, Animal Health, Small Animal Care and Management


Year 2- 2018-2019

Genetics, Breeding, and Reproduction, Large Animal Care and Management. Dairy and Livestock Management and Evaluation

Year 3- 2019-2020

OSHA 10- Agriculture Certification, Animal Physiology, Nutrition, and Digestion, Horse Management and Evaluation

Agricultural Business Management (second semester only)

Alternates yearly with Agronomy and Soils

Prerequisite: signature of agriculture teacher

Students will learn how to identify sources of credit, appropriate tax management, hot to differentiate among types of farm businesses and enterprises, how to identify assets, liabilities, and net worth, how to compute market values of livestock and cost of ownership, risk management, marketing and distribution networks and processes, supply and demand, and career opportunities. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.

Agronomy and Soils (second semester only)

Alternates yearly with Agricultural Business Management

Prerequisite: Signature of Agriculture teacher

Open to grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Students will learn how to prepare the land for efficient cropping, soil management, land judging, work and interpret soil tests and chemistry, harvesting, crop storage, and crop identification. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.

Forestry and Natural Resources 1, 2, 3

Prerequisite: Signature of agriculture teacher

Open to Grades 9, 10, 11, 12


Courses will be taught on a 3 year rotation. Class number does not indicate level of difficulty, but which year is on rotation.


Forestry and Natural Resource instruction will involve many of the basic skills foresters or persons involved in forest industries or management need to know and understand. Tree identification, tree diseases and pests, tree growth habits, forest management practices, forest measurements, and forest products utilization will be included in this class. Students will also learn basic ecological concepts, renewable energy sources, conservation methods, and alternative fuels. In addition to forestry, contacts and activities will involve the Fish and Game Commission, Department of Forestry, Natural Resource Conservation Service, and other government agencies. Students receive hands on experience through an individualized career experience (SAE) program. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.


Year 1- 2017-2018

Tree and Leaf Identification, Tree Growth Diseases, Forest Management Practices, Forest Products


Year 2- 2018-2019

Conservation, Natural Resources, Alternative Fuels


Year 3- 2019-2020

Tree Pests and Management, Wildlife Management, Forest Recreation and Safety

Horticulture-Greenhouse Manager (second semester only)

Prerequisite: Students must have completed one year of Horticulture and be enrolled in the Spring Semester of Horticulture

Open to Grades 11, 12


Students who are repeating Horticulture for additional elective credit, will receive credit towards completion of the Ag Program by serving in the capacity of a greenhouse manager. Student will be assigned a duty in the greenhouse above and beyond those students who are enrolled in Horticulture, ex. Soil preparation, Seeding, Transplanting, Watering, Pinching, Marketing, Customer service, etc. Students will plan and assign duties to those working in their area and keep track of the work accomplished during their class period.


Prerequisite: signature of agriculture teacher, completion of an agriculture course

Open to grades 10, 11, 12

Students who successfully complete this class and enroll in Delaware Valley University upon graduation will be eligible to receive college credit towards the Plant Science Major.

This class will teach skills in producing and marketing horticultural crops. Greenhouse maintenance, crop planting, transplanting, growing, preparing for markets, marketing, and bookkeeping will be stressed. Students receive hands on experience through an individualized career experience (SAE) program. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.  (May be repeated for additional elective credits.)

Introduction to Agriculture

Prerequisite: None

Open to grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Subjects taught include FFA basics and history, soil science, animal science, plant science, biotechnology, careers, food science, and agricultural mechanics. Students learn leadership skills and receive hands-on educational experience through field trips and related activities. Students receive practical business management experience through an individual career experience (SAE) program. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.

Parli-Pro and Public Speaking  1, 2, 3 (first semester only)

Prerequisite: Signature of agriculture teacher, C or better in English

Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Classes are taught at the same time. 1, 2, and 3 represents your level within the class.

1-Freshman student who will learn the Creed and participate on the Greenhand Parli-Pro LDE Team (if taken sophomore year, will write a 3-5 minute speech in leiu of Creed)

2-2nd year student who will write a 3-5 minute speech for Junior Prepared Public Speaking CDE and participate on Parli-Pro Team-- Greenhand or Senior to be determined by grade in class

3-3rd year student who will write a 6-8 minute speech for Senior Prepared Public Speaking CDE and participate and/or chair on the Senior Parli-Pro LDE Team


Students will develop and practice skills necessary for being an effective public speaker. Speech research, formulation, proofreading, and delivery will be emphasized. Verbal skills, body language, posture, and personal appearance will also be studied and practiced. Along with speaking abilities, Parliamentary Procedure will be taught. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.

SAE-Independent Study Class

Prerequisite: Signature of Agriculture teacher

Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

This class will meet state standards established for agriculture students to be qualified for teacher supervision and assistance in maintaining and completing SAE record books as required for vocational regulations and to be eligible for FFA Degrees and Awards. All students will be required to complete applications for their State/American Degrees as part of this class. All students enrolled in an agriculture class will be a member of the FFA organization, and participation in FFA activities will count as part of their grade.  (May be repeated for additional elective credits. To receive full credit, student must complete at least 120 hours with their project. To receive .5 credit, student must complete at least 60 hours.



The following is the scope and sequence for the Agricultural Productions Operations Program. It is recommended that students take the following courses each year.



Intro to Ag

Parli-Pro 1

Ag Business or Agronomy



Advanced Ag 1

Parli-Pro 2

Ag Business or Agronomy




Advanced Ag 2

Forestry 2




Advanced Ag 3

Forestry 3

Parli-Pro 3

SAE or Greenhouse